
The CY PeptLab - University of Cergy-Pontoise platform specializes in the preparation of natural or synthetic peptides.

It offers laboratories in the private and public sectors design, synthesis, purification and characterization services for peptides and proteins as well as their analogues in the fields of health, well-being and the environment.

Our platform is based on the BioCIS laboratory of the University of Cergy-Pontoise and was created following the obtaining of a chair of excellence from the National Research Agency. It works in network with the PeptLab@UNIFI platform located at the University of Florence (Italy).

Informations/Contact :

Dr. Elisa Peroni 
Directrice de la plateforme - MCF à l’université CY Cergy Paris Université

Dr. Olivier Monasson
Ingénieur de recherche - Responsable Technique

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