from May 16, 2022 to May 19, 2022
  • Research

Published on May 19, 2022 Updated on June 3, 2022

The CY-BioCIS team was at CFCF 2022


Several members of the team went to the 2022 French Fluorine Chemistry Conference in Forges-les-Eaux to present recent research results.

Le CFCF 2022 avait lieu à Forges-les-Eaux du 16 au 19 Mai 2022.
L'occasion pour certains membres de l'équipe d'y présenter leur récents travaux et d'assister aux inspirantes présentations de pairs.
Ce fut également une excellente opportunité de parfaire le réseaux de l'équipe dans le domaine de la chimie du fluor française.
Les membres de BioCIS auront ainsi présenté une conférence plénière (Prof. Thierry Brigaud), 3 communications orale (Jure Gregorc, Francesco Terzani et Guy Gouarin) et 3 posters (Yazid Boutahri, Dr. Evelyne Chelain et Dr. Chiara Zanato).
The CFCF 2022 took place in Forges-les-Eaux from May 16 to 19, 2022.
The opportunity for some members of the team to present their recent work and to attend inspiring peer presentations.
It was also an excellent opportunity to perfect the team's networks in the field of French fluorine chemistry.
The members of BioCIS have thus presented one plenary conference (Prof. Thierry Brigaud), 3 oral communications (Jure Gregorc, Francesco Terzani and Guy Gouarin) and 3 posters (Yazid Boutahri, Dr. Evelyne Chelain and Dr. Chiara Zanato).